Miss the Unyil? Just come to the "Museum Wayang"

Be-96 | When Puppet set a world heritage by UNESCO on November 7, 2003, how much you know the ins and outs of the real puppet? If you feel you are lacking knowledge about the puppets, try visiting the Puppet Museum.

ILLUSTRATION - The holiday season many school children used to travel to the Puppet Museum in the tourist area of ​​Old City Jakarta, Sunday (19/06/2011). Besides traveled, the children also learn to recognize the puppet as one of the nation's cultural heritage that has been recognized worldwide.

The museum is located in the Old City area. Very close to Fatahilah Museum located in the Old City field. Although located in an adjacent location, Puppet Museum is more empty than the Jakarta History Museum Fatahillah.

"But, if the Eid season like this, we also do not lose visitors, nearly three thousand people today," said Budi, bather at the Puppet Museum, with a laugh.

Wayang shadow puppets are not just relying on the current shadow stage. As in the Puppet Museum, there are about 5,000 puppets who became the museum's collection. According to Budi, manifold ranging from shadow puppets, puppet show, puppet zinc, up dolls from other nations, and the masks.

It turned puppets in the museum is not only from Indonesia but there is also derived from Asian countries such as Malaysia, China, India and Vietnam. Budi reveal a large part of the collection was donated abroad to enrich the collection of Indonesian puppets

"The shape is somewhat different to Indonesian puppet," he added.

In addition to puppets, in this museum there are also dolls both from Indonesia and abroad. Famous dolls from Indonesia which is on display in this museum is a puppet series Si Unyil. A set of doll this is Unyil the original set and the first one is used when the station broadcast on TVRI in 1970.

In connection with the history of the Indonesian wayang, do not be surprised if you will find a lot of figures such as Semar, Petruk, Gareng, Rama, Sita, and Hanuman are not forgotten. With various scenes puppet on display in the museum, so visitors can understand why the puppet is placed in such a way.

The school holidays many children used to travel to the Puppet Museum in the tourist area of ​​Old City Jakarta, Sunday (19/06/2011). Besides traveled, the children also learn to recognize the puppet as one of the nation's cultural heritage that has been recognized worldwide.

"Each puppet there own story, for example, like the Mahabharata," said Budi.

Puppets from Indonesia, mostly from Bogor, Bandung, Pekalongan, Surakarta, and Bali. According to Budi, the most famous puppet in the puppet museum is purwa Surakarta with a large size that shaped the famous King Rama Wijaya wise and powerful of the Ramayana story.

In addition to a look puppet, in this museum are usually also held the puppet show every second week, third and fourth. So the visitors can directly watch puppet shows.

"There's also a puppet making demonstration, visitors can make their own puppets for," said Budi.

To get into this museum, visitors are charged Rp 5,000 to Rp 3,500 for adults and children. Guide is available at no cost for foreign travelers or tourists who come in a group.

Puppet Museum was inaugurated on August 13, 1975 by Governor Ali Sadikin. Hours open to the public every Tuesday through Sunday, at 9.00 to 17.00. Time to see the world heritage directly with your own eyes and know better about the puppet.

Source: Kompas.com

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